Aplikacja mobilna vademecum z wyszukiwarką, mapami cieplnymi


Mobile App for finding plant protection products and pest hazard warnings

The mobile app was developed for the consultants trading plant protection products and people owning smaller or greater crops. It facilitates the management of crops and helps to prevent the impact of undesirable pests on the plants.
The implementation of this project is a combination of two superordinate functionalities:

  • The encyclopaedia - data base with plant protection products search engine
  • Alert sending system - warnings about the threat of agrophages in Poland
Intuicyjny panel użytkownika z vademecum i alertami wraz z wyszukiwarką

Advanced pesticide and non-pesticide products search engine

A precise solution for the users seeking the right product is found in an effective and error-free manner, using a highly detailed plant protection products list searching method.

Zaawansowana wyszukiwarka aplikacja mobile
Personalizacja list produktów użytecznym narzędziem w doborze środków i monitorowania efektów

Custom comments on products

The advantage of the application with particular importance in the utility aspect is customisability. When managing the products list, the users can add products to favourites and save notes with comments.
This provides an insight into the list including their own preferences and observations relative to the selection of products and results.

Mapa cieplna obrazująca natężenie występowania zagrożeń agrofagami

Pest alerts

The alert system informs the user on an ongoing basis of the pest hazard attacking the crops in the region. In addition, historical alerts can be checked and analysed, significantly facilitating the planning of further use of the appropriate products.
However, the heat map of Poland showing the numbers of generated alerts in the given time frame constitutes a convenient utility to illustrate the hazard situations on a national scale.

Lista alertów z uwzględnieniem regionów, dat, roślin i zagrożeń oraz notatkami

Lists of pests, crops and active substances

The app is also an extensive knowledge manual. The lists of exhaustive subjects related to pests, crops and active substances constitutes a valuable source of knowledge for people owning crops, regardless of their size and location.
This is precisely that combination of tools: a practical encyclopaedia with an advanced products search engine and alert sending modules, which makes the user’s needs fulfilled by one app instead of three.

Extensive app management panel

The extensive and intuitive administration panel enables effective products management, editing alerts, or creating dictionaries. The changes in plant protection products are communicated immediately and in a accessible manner, so the base is always up to date and thus credible.

Panel zarządzania aplikacją z heatmapą alertów

Knowledge and monitoring of crops in a modern version

The app is an innovative and reliable method of staying up to date. The database and messages presented to the user on a mobile device are an ongoing and certain source of information and significantly improves crop safety. With the latest technologies, crop management reaches a new level and becomes significantly less challenging.