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Comprehensive and innovative IT solutions for logistics

(R)ewolucja w logistyce - oprogramowanie spedycja

(R)evolution in logistics

The evolution of the consumer market that has been going on for years, related to, among others, the popularisation of electronic commerce (e-commerce) poses more and more challenges to the logistics in a broad sense. In the race to acquire customers, not only costs (as cheap as possible), but also time (as soon as possible), quality (as few mistakes as possible) and ecology (as few kilometres and paper as possible) count.

Dostawa pod drzwi łatwiejsza dzięki oprogramowaniu dla transportu

The epidemic and threats related to the Covid-19 virus have become a new challenge for logistics. Logistics operators were suddenly faced with a change in consumer behaviour, i.e. a shift from traditional channels towards door-to-door shopping, and had to adapt to the rapidly growing number of orders. As never before, the optimisation of processes related to delivery logistics began to play a major role. Additionally, when it comes to the contacts with the clients, employees and partners, a completely new and extremely important factor has moved into the lead, i.e. health (as little direct contact as possible).

e-commerce market growth graph

X-road platform

X-One has been supporting its clients and partners in computerisation and optimisation of logistics processes for many years. Based on these experiences, the x-road platform was created - a modern IT tool supporting the handling of processes in logistics.

Program logistyczny - optymalizacja tras
The x-road platform is a multi-module tool that can be freely adapted to specific needs:
  • automation of planning and route optimisation
  • data flow computerisation
  • picking support
  • settlement of deliveries automation
  • automation in generating shipping documents and labels
  • mobile applications for couriers and customers
  • apps for customer service centres
  • courier and fleet management, vehicle geolocation
  • analysis and segmentation of supply areas
  • integration with logistics operators (direct or via BaseLinker)
  • fleet GPS integration
  • ERP, WMS, CRM and other systems integration.
  • integration with e-commerce tools (online stores, b2b platforms)
  • real-time monitoring and comprehensive reporting

X-road platform

The x-road platform is an efficient, visually attractive and useful way of presenting data. Additionally, it is equipped with a rich set of functions created together with experts from various industries who implement logistics processes.

The x-road platform also means continuous functional development dictated by the needs and changing market conditions.

Prostsze wytyczanie tras dzięki oprogramowaniu dla transportu

Who is x-road for?

The x-road system was designed in response to the real needs of companies in the area of handling deliveries and logistic processes. Tangible benefits from its implementation will be achieved by companies delivering to individual and business customers, companies planning salesmen routes or simply companies managing their own logistic operations.

Oprogramowanie spedycja dla kogo?

The x-road system will be appreciated by planners dealing with the arrangement and optimisation of delivery routes and the efficiency of vehicle fleets.

The x-road system can be implemented as a standalone tool or as a component integrated into a wider system architecture.

Each implementation of the x-road system can be individually adapted to the specific needs of the client.

Selected x-road modules and tools

Planning and optimisation of routes

Automatic stacking and optional manual correction of delivery routes taking into account, among others, the following date:

  • delivery – date and expected delivery time window, delivery address, unloading time, package volume

  • couriers – attendance, working hours and even driving style

  • optimisation algorithms – allowing for traffic congestion and obstacles, selection of the most important criterion, e.g. the shortest possible time, as few kilometres as possible, as few vehicles as possible, etc.

Program logistyczny

System advantages

Perform complex calculations for thousands of points in a few dozen seconds

Extensive API for communication with applications (e.g. for couriers) and systems (e.g. on-demand routing)

Attractive and clear form of data presentation

Control tools for monitoring progress and reacting to delays

Planning tools enabling blocking and manual route correction (drag & drop)

Tools for comparing route versions, e.g. automatically arranged versus manually arranged, calculating the delivery time, providing information for couriers

Application for couriers


Mobile application leading the driver through the successive points of the route.


Execution of deliveries without paper documentation thanks to the marking statuses option (courier location control), recording comments or submitting complaints for deliveries directly in the application.


Confirmation of deliveries optionally extended with photos taken at the place of delivery or a digital signature of the recipient.


SFast information flow, among others, initiation of contact with customer service centres, addressee, salesman or other person responsible for the order. Integration with the mobile device default navigation.




An alternative to deliveries with the use of a mobile application that enables automatic generation and distribution of waybills. Generation of waybills for routes arranged automatically and manually.




Monitoring of earned remuneration, as well as analysis of work efficiency. An algorithm that encompasses many components, e.g. settlement method, distance travelled, total weight or number of deliveries. Settlement is carried out optionally on the basis of data from the couriers’ application.


Heatmaps application


An application for data visualisation using heat maps. Visual presentation of the event magnitude or the frequency of occurrence of specific events. Clear visualisation of data using different colours and shades. A tool extremely useful in data analysis, planning and optimisation of routes.


Warehouse application


Application for warehouse devices (e.g. tablets) that save time and paper normally required in the order picking process. Intuitive guidance through the picking process for the users. Effective improvement of the couriers’ operation by picking in accordance with the arranged routes.


Automatic identification of warehouse employees using a card or a pin code. Monitoring the progress and pace of order picker’s work – live tracking of the picking process. Warehouse zones separation.


Monitoring and control of stock levels. Printing receipts. Returnable packaging records. HACCP control.


Other (selected)


Where is the courier? (geolocation)


A tool designed with customer service in mind, e.g. by customer service centres, enabling tracking of the current position of the courier and reading of the estimated delivery time.


Historical data


Access to archived routes and deliveries presented in a graphical form on a map.


Delivery areas


Drawing delivery areas on the map and automatic assigning of orders to specific warehouses based on the areas. /p>

Manual route planning


Manual or semi-automatic route planning – logistics specialists can use the x-road optimiser or can configure deliveries manually while having a live map view with visualised and calculated routes.




Access to data in the form of dedicated reports or integration with BI tools.


Oprogramowanie dla transportu - widok w aplikacji

Selected problems
that can be sorted out using x-road.

Overlapping courier routes

Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP)

Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (VRPTW)

Stochastic vehicle routing problem (SVRP)

Dynamic vehicle routing problem (DVRP)

The shortest route vs. the fastest route

Live map update (worldwide)

Data exchange with logistics operators

Śledzenie statusu dostawy i pozycji kuriera na mapie dzięki oprogramowaniu dla transportu

Benefits for business

Support using modern technologies gives tangible benefits on many levels and goes far beyond the mere delivery execution.



lower fuel costs and smaller headcount, e.g. drivers and planners.


lower combustion and emission of pollutants, as well as less need for printing paper documents.


Less errors and faster deliveries, as well as instant access to the courier's location.


minimising the physical contacts necessary to handle deliveries.


computerisation and automation translating into fewer errors in handling deliveries.


faster delivery and optimisation of the working time of people involved in route planning and delivery.


computerisation and automation of processes executed in logistics departments.


real-time monitoring, combined with the possibility of correcting plans and access to historical data and statistics.
oprogramowanie dla logistyki przykład
Oprogramowanie dla logistyki

Comprehensive solutions

  • dedicated b2b platforms integrated with ERP and WMS systems
  • dedicated e-commerce solutions
  • tailored to the needs of online stores
  • product configurators
  • mobile applications for clients and subcontractors
  • b2b platforms for suppliers and subcontractors