Comprehensive support system

Process planning and completion in a company that handles hundreds of orders per day and often exceeds the capability of manual coordination of the supply chain. The challenges faced by the sales and logistics team with regards to information flow, order processing, fleet management, as well as delivery and storage timeliness and quality will be addressed by the system in an error-free and automated manner, with a simultaneous cost optimisation.

B2B sales platform

Conducting business relations in a fully electronic form increases the control over and efficiency of the purchasing process. The calculation and generation of pdf quotes for customers is automated and they are accepted online, as another component of the ordering system. Regular deliveries to the company are scheduled using a convenient calendar with drag&drop function.

Platfroma B2B Dailyfruits - tworzenie harmonogramu zamówień
Optymalizacja tras z widokiem mapy oraz planera

Route optimisation

The logistics specialist can always select the preferred, automatic or semi-automatic routing method. Regardless of whether the optimiser is used or tasks are configured manually, simultaneous map view with real-time routes is available. Stable and quick access to maps and address information is ensured by hosting the app on a dedicated server and ongoing updates.

Route planning

The system analyses and determines the most advantageous routes for many vehicles and destinations. It includes and solves optimisation challenges beyond the navigation itself, that is the problems of load capacity, work time and static vs dynamic travel route. The planning process supports delivery zone management.

Aplikacja wyznacza optymalne trasy na podstawie wielu danych dotyczących trasy

The KURIER app

We also provided the fruits delivery personnel with an app that enables completing their deliveries without paper documents. On a mobile device, it guides the driver from point to point, finds the shortest route between them and calculates the quickest route to reach every address in the shortest time possible, considering the data such as speed limits and traffic. The courier may enter comments to the delivery and mark its status.

Planer tras wysposażony w wygodny drag & drop

Drag & drop calendar for logistics

The delivery schedule is managed in a very intuitive manner, by means of a very friendly graphical user interface. The deliveries are configured by a single drag & drop between the days in schedule in the weekly or monthly view. It addition, processing multiple deliveries is much simpler and effective with group editing, filtering, sorting and searching of the deliveries.

The courier location function

Integration with fleet GPS systems enables monitoring the position of the delivery personnel on the map. Geolocation is a useful utility for the customer service centre, which enables giving current information to a customer waiting for the delivery, including the courier’s contact information, which improves the quality of service. The view of historical routes enables accessing information on the course of the completed deliveries.

Warehouse support

The software is not restricted to controlling the inventories, but supports warehouse operations in a comprehensive manner, including the integration with WMS systems. It supports multiple warehouses, including the stocking up and picking process, with a real-time tracking module, which helps the production management to supervise the progress. The platform enables designating warehouse zones for prepared and packaged finished products, as appropriate.

Aplikacja wspierająca magazyn na tablet - skanowanie produtów
Aplikacja magazyn optymalizuje procesy dzięki zaawansowanej integracji z narzędzi planowania

The Magazyn (Warehouse) app

The system organises warehouse operations in accordance with the route schedule and uses the tablets to display order guidelines and information to enable completing tasks in the right order. This, however, enables synchronisation with courier operations and improves their work.

An additional important benefit of using the app, in addition to time savings, are significant paper savings.

Adding labels and production stickers

For every task, receipts are printed and then attached to the order. The packages will be marked with labels and product stickers identifying the product batch, printed by peripheral devices — printers and labelling machines, directly in stations in the warehouse.

Scanning crates

The scanner app enables identifying the returnable packages used in the order process by unique barcodes. Scanned crates are recorded in the system, which enables their unobstructed circulation in the entire process.

Dashboard kompletacji zamówień z opcjami personalizacji

The warehouse dashboard

Dedicated dashboards can be configured according to individual preferences so as to favour an effective daily workflow. They enable monitoring the progress of order picking in the selected time view, divided by commission agent, and an immediate, real view of the work progress.

Billing system automation

The system supports order processing by integration with the finance and accounting system, online payments, and enables generating sales documents and sending invoices to the customer.

Document flow diagram

Full and automatic support of daily tasks

From the quoting and order processing, to warehouse and logistics processes, to fruit crate labels in the company kitchen. The software supports comprehensive order processing and logistics. See how fascinating and streamlined is the entire journey of the orders and products delivered to Dailyfruits customers.